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Expert Witness

Expert witnesses are often called upon to provide independent opinions based on their knowledge or expertise, and to advise litigation counsel regarding optometry and optometric practices. Dr. Steinberg has been retained or is qualified as an expert witness or legal consultant in a variety of cases and case types concerning the practice of optometry, including defending Medicare and Medicaid (Medi-Cal) audits, State Board of Optometry discipline cases, optometric practice valuation matters, and optometric malpractice/standard of care cases. He is available to provide expert consulting to help attorneys prepare their cases, or to testify directly as an expert.


As a seasoned trial attorney himself, with more than 30 years of experience as an optometrist and more than 20 years as a litigator, Dr. Steinberg is uniquely skilled at testifying in front of a Judge or Jury and, as a result, able to explain sometimes complex matters clearly, making them understandable, and he is able to get his point across in a way that few experts have the knowledge or experience to do. Dr. Steinberg is available as an expert consultant or witness in all fifty states.


If you or your counsel are looking for an expert opinion or assistance, please contact Dr. Steinberg directly at Craig@Optometry.Expert.